A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Done proofing...

I still have some formatting to do, but I'm rather cross-eyed, right now, so quit before I made a major mistake. I got all the way to setting up a bookmark for a Table of Contents, but I'm doing something wrong because it just won't take. Everything else did -- chapter links and paragraph formatting and such. I'll deal with it tomorrow.

It's 657 pages long, now. But in one version of Kindle Preview, it's only 255 pages. Weird.

I can't think. Here's some photos I took when I was in Seattle weekend before last.
It was raining so I shot this from under an overhang at the Science fiction Museum.
 This is just a fun shot of the Space Needle reflected in the metal siding of the building.
I caught this just as the monorail was headed off.

Nothing else I shot was in the least bit interesting, since the sky was overcast and I'd already taken pictures of just about everyplace else I wanted to, in the city, the times I've been here. before.

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