A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Good day...

I wrote over 3000 words on Leonides -- regarding him thinking about taking a young Prussian Cuirassier as his next meal. This is the image that inspired me.

It's set during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71, which France lost, badly. Which they deserved since they started it for stupid reasons. They were afraid of Germany's growing Federation and wanted to reassert dominance in Europe, as the counterpoint to England. Instead, Paris was sieged and finally had to surrender.

I'm using the Battle of Mars-Le-Tour as the backdrop. The Cuirassier's name is Franz Sebastian Giselher von Bergren. He's pretty and also wounded. He was clipped by bullets in the head and shoulder...but is more concerned about an injury to his horse than his own injuries. Leon wants to take care of him. He can control his hunger for blood, but it still calls to him.

The section I wrote today leads from the point Leon sees the young man to where they've gone to a brook and taken care of the horse, and now Franz is in shock and weak enough from his injuries to let Leon do anything he wants. Leon also senses he might be a distant relation -- another of the Blood Angel line -- something he's goaded about by Geoffrey, one of Prior Pious' monks who's become Leon's closest companion.

Of course, this will be in part two of the book, but I'm finding it's easier for me to work this story out by jumping around in it, as I write. I have ideas for part four, as well, which is set in modern times.

Sex and violence...the way of the world...

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