A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

First feedback on APoS-Derry

They haven't finished reading it, yet, and noted there is a lot of jumping around in the first chapter so got a bit lost, but otherwise reaction is good. They like the characters, especially Brendan, and the sense of place I manage to bring to it. Makes me feel better...and more secure...

I spent a little of today roughing out an idea of Brendan's home and neighborhood, up by Nailors Row. Just scribbles, right now, but I might post something inked-in once I have a chance. It's on a hillside, I already knew, but these sketches gave me a better idea of the slope to the house and its yard. 

I finished job #2, today. Wound up with 20 cartons, which will then go into a crate for shipping to London. Tomorrow is getting it on its way and having dinner with my architect nephew, whose latest building is in GA Document 162.

It's the Orange County Museum of Art and he was one of the project designers. He's with Morphosis, one of the premier architectural firms in the US, and does amazing work. He's very self-deprecating about his abilities, but has always had self-confidence issues. He's doing better (helped that he and his now-ex-wife are no longer together; she constantly put down his ambitions and abilities while offering zero support) but still needs a boost. I hope this gives it to him.

I'm checking with Hennessey & Ingalls Books, tomorrow, to see if they have a copy in. It only came out in January and is published in Japan, so may not. But I can still order one.

I'm so happy to see him doing well.

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