A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Really fucking lazy...

Right now, I honestly am really fucking lazy. I don't want to do jack shit except watch Chris Evans be all Chris Evans and dream about burying myself in his crotch. Rude, crude and not the least bit misconstrued. I'm in that kind of mood. I'm in stasis mode. Dunno why. Dunno when it'll end. Just know it is what it is...and I fucking hate that fucking phrase.

I'm incomplete, right now. APoS is sitting there. Ingram is taking its time prepping LD's paperback. I'm eating too fucking much and feeling it in my cheeks. I don't want to leave my apartment. I'm probably going to order the entire Captain America series on DVD just to watch Chris be Chris. And it doesn't matter how deep my debt is because it isn't real money. An interest rate of nearly 20% per annum isn't real. Nothing is fucking real.

Except I'm old, fat, diabetic and tired, and close to not giving a shit, anymore. May even kill my Twitter account and Tribel and Instagram because I'm fucking sick and tired of the fucking idiots in the world.

Needless to add, I'm not in a happy place, at the moment.

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