A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Chapter 14 is uploaded...

This one is really insane, for me. 2500 words where Dirc is put under intense examination that borders on rape, really. But since, officially speaking, he's dead...you can't rape a dead man, even if he is still alive. So he's bound and his clothes are cut off and he's probed and tested, like a lab rat.

I also finally explained that one of his clones was substituted for him when the Beast took him out of an unnamed observation room, earlier. But it doesn't have the brain capacity of him, so that's how the lab-techies know he's the real Warren Dircum.

And I've officially brought Area 51 into it, people who want Dirc to explain what's going on because they know he's got contact with an alien...and are alluding to using Irin as leverage to get him to talk.

This story keeps rattling on and I have no idea where it's going to end up, or when. It'll go until it's done.

I'm doing my best to ignore the hatred and cruelty being spit around by the MAGAt crowd. They laugh and lay blame for the fires in LA, crowing about God's judgment and all that shit, then calling democrats angry and unforgiving and mean when we spit back. It's ridiculous.

Let them kill the country. No one in power really seems to want to stop them. Democrats talk a lot but don't really fight. That's half the reason we're in this mess.

My one hope is that McDonald's will do its job and take out Felon#47. Of course, that means JD Vance of the 3 or 4 names will be come president, but he doesn't have the cult following of that orange beast so maybe it'll all fall apart.

One can dream.

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