Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Shit, shit, shit...

I got my hardback copy of APoS-HNH today and for some amazingly stupid reason I cannot even begin to understand, I asked for the dust jacket to be matte instead of glossy. ARGH!

I mean, it looks good. But if I was going for matte I'd have brightened the face a bit more and let the background stand out better. But I want the books to be of a kind, and that ain't it. So fucking stupid. I really thought I'd been careful... 

But that's the story of my life. I always fuck up somehow in some way. No matter what I do or how well I think I'm doing it, even when I'm taking care with typing out a sentence, I'll leave out a letter or reverse two of them or misspell a word...and just noticed I spelled stupid as stulpid.

I need an assistant just to keep watch for my fuckups.

At least the interior is fine. Haven't found my next typo, yet.

I've corrected the setup and when it's finalized I'll get a new copy...which means it's not time to celebrate, yet. At this rate, it never will be.

I poured some of this anger into chapter 13 of The Beast Dines Out...and god, I hate that title. My biggest fuck up, there.

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