A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Slogging along...

I uploaded chapter 13 of The Beast Dines Out to GayDemon and am now working on chapter 14. And it looks more and more like there will be a 15 and maybe even a 16 or 17. Depends on how Dirc gets out of his predicament.

 He's run headlong into people from Area 51 who are trying to figure out who and what the Beast is, and who know Dirc and Irin are connected to it, in some way. Irin's vanished and Dirc is fairly certain the lab techs have taken him, so lets himself get taken, as well.

Here's the bad part. The Area 51 people killed Irin's dogs, Alge and Anth, because they were protecting him. Learning that sets Dirc off and things are going to get nasty, especially since the Beast is ignoring Dirc's mental calls to him.

I have no idea where this story is going or how it will wind up. I'm plotting it as I go, and Dirc is having fun. There's lots of MM sex in it, both consensual and not, and the usual twists and turns. And by killing Irin's pup the Lab Techs have set themselves up for some serious John Wick time.

You don't kill the dog.

This may wind up being the start of a major smorgasbord of male dishes... 

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