A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Characters, dammit...

I was thinking I had one more chapter to write on The Beast Dines Out when a new character popped up who may be helpful to Dirc. It's a guy name Irin (who use to be Aaron but felt it was too provincial so had it legally changed)...but I don't know wtf is going on. Where it's heading, now.

When Dirc drives up to Irin's fenced off property, outside his hometown, the guy greets him in a kilt and with a 12 gauge shotgun before recognizing him. I have no idea where that came from...but it's interesting. It's just, this chapter was leading into part 12 and I was hoping to end the story, there. Now I may have a baker's dozen.


I'm getting this thing done this weekend, no matter what. I'm off to Seattle on Tuesday and don't want it hanging over me. I printed up my outline for Arrested and am taking that to read through. That said, DW is whispering to me, still. And DP is thinking I really need to get back to dealing with the harpies and the Celts.

I'm also still waiting for a printed copy of APoS-Home Not Home to come in. I paid extra for faster service. This is irritating.

Oh, shit...I just suffered a moment of serendipity.  I found that image of a shirtless guy in a kilt to illustrate Irin as he greets Dirc...and the man's name is Dirk. It was posted 8 years ago.

Okay...the story mavens are sending me a sign to stop complaining and just let the story go. As I will.

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