A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Got word from Ingram they've reset my cover to glossy so ordered a copy via rush service. I hope to get it quickly. I'm up for jury duty next week, and would like to get it on a day I don't have to go in.

In Buffalo, you don't report to the criminal courts till they want you. They send you a number and you call the night before to see if they've chosen it. If they have, you go in and, I think, join the pool to possibly sit on a jury. Very different from the last time I did jury duty. That was in Houston, and they had us come down and wait in a room till the end of the week.

Back then, I got called for a juvenile delinquency case that should have lasted half a day, but wrangling by the DDA and defense kept it up for 3 days. And while we had the feeling something had been going on with that kid, the DDA didn't prove their case and we found for the defense. Took half an hour to decide, on the first ballot. Then we sat around for another half hour so it wouldn't look like we'd rushed anything.

So long as I can have my laptop and phone with me, I'm fine. But I'm also taking a book, just in case.

It snowed all day with strong winds blowing it sideways. Kept it from building up too much. I had been thinking of going out to get some DPZ and such, but blew it off. It's expected to get above freezing, tomorrow, so I may do some running around, then.

I may not. I dunno. I'm pretty depressed. In 3 days that convicted felon will be sworn in to the presidency, and his scowling minions are already working at tearing down everything Democrats built up since Roosevelt, while billionaires salivate at paying even fewer taxes than they already do. Demons walk the earth, and they are MAGAts.

God only knows what will happen...

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