Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

DW keeps on going...

Adam is talking to me...and sharing...and it's amazing how much he trusts me to do right with his story. His part of the story, beginning from the point where he's kicked out of his home by his parents when he's only 15 to when he sees more in Dair than just a possible meal ticket. 7 years of his life...

I'm still trying to work out exactly how the window imagery works into the story. I never did address that in the script, except for Dair not being able to work up the stained glass window he was commissioned to do by his grandfather...and how he can't do it till he's made peace with himself. It was very awkwardly done and now I'm seeing as how forced it seems.

Something that's happening that I'm not sure about (but which I'm going with, for now) is how descriptions of the places and of people change slightly as the characters change. As their perceptions change. Adam can be honest about how he initially sees people in one way then shifts his view of them as he gets to know them because he's dead. But how can I do that with Dair and Marion and Wallace and Jacob?

Something else that's happening is how diagrams I worked up of Dair's home and the area around his place have to change thanks to things the characters want. Especially as regards directions. I was going to have Dair's dining room made over into his studio...but it was facing the wrong way so my thought was to just flip the blueprint of the main floor...except Adam likes it where it is because it would work better as a bedroom and he wants to use a bedroom at the other end of the building for the studio. Why? "The morning sun would wake whoever sleeps in here...and that is as life should be."

I'm not going to finish the book by the end of the month, but I'll damn well make the 50,000 words at the rate it's going.

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