A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Off to Hong Kong

But not till November 30th. I bought my ticket and hotel in a package and am flying out of Toronto. That is the only way I can get a non-stop flight. Even if I do JFK in NYC, I have to change planes in Tokyo, which makes no sense to me. But digging through Expedia and Travelocity and even American and United, I was changing planes more than once. Not cool. So I'm flying Cathay Pacific and will only be in the air 15 hours instead of damn near 24 in total travel time.

I'm ambivalent about the trip. I sort of want to see Hong Kong, but Tokyo and Sydney were higher on my list of Pacific Rim cities to see. Maybe when I'm rich and famous and can spend some time just traveling for the hell of it instead of being on a 5 day whirlwind trip.

But I'm handling the load in and load out of the Hong Kong Book Fair, and apparently it's a hard one, logistically. It'll be in a small exhibition center about a block from Hong Kong's new exhibition hall on the waterfront, in Wan Chai. What the heck; it's an adventure.

My old guy script is coming together,more quickly than I thought it would. I'm using a massive nature reserve -- the "Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge" -- down by the Florida Keys as part of it. I just need to find the humorous angle to it, and that's proving to be elusive. BUT...I have young romance as well as old farts and second chances. It's threatening to become a fun project for me. Maybe I'll write it en route to Hong Kong.

It's not like I'll have much else to do while I'm in the air. I guess I better find out if they have power adapters for the flight, so I can plug in my laptop. I'll be on a 777.

Ah, World Traveler Me.

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