A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Classic moment...

This is the area where I picked up a library. I kept looking for Cary Grant and that crop-duster plane.

You don't know flat land till you've seen the Texas Panhandle. It makes a straight line look squiggly in comparison. You can see rain coming from 100 miles away, and Plainview has more tall grain silos than it does people, almost. And boring to drive? God.

But then I hit Dallas and got reminded of how big cities suck when it comes to cars. Apparently they're rebuilding the whole northern end of Loop 635 -- I mean it is ALL torn up, on both directions -- and, of course, that's exactly the route I had to take. Took me 2 hours to go ten miles. That's even slower than LA in rush hour.

Which is why I do not commute. I am not a good urban dweller in that respect. I'd rather spend more for an apartment close to work than deal with traffic and such. I don't even like it all that much on the subway in NYC.

Oh, well...at least my hotel has an In-N-Out burger joint close by.

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