A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stupid is as stupid does

And I does stupid good. I started a new scene for "The Alice 65". In order to keep the same settings in Final Draft, what I do is open something I've already done and delete all. Which I did. Using the draft I'd done yesterday...well, Tuesday, since I'm writing this after midnight. Then I got to work and completely forgot that I have FD set to auto-save every ten minutes. I didn't remember it until it did the auto-save on the fresh work...and wiped out everything I'd done in the earlier draft.

Absolutely everything.

After freaking out and trying a dozen different ways to bring it all back, I went into reconstruct mode and was able to redo a lot of what I'd lost. In fact, it probably came out better, because by that point I had a clearer idea of who Adam is and he became more of a real person from the outset. So...I'm now telling myself this happened because my subconscious thought what I'd done was crap and wanted me to start from scratch.

Talk about a pretzel of a justification.

Still...I'm now seeing him as a Benedict Cumberbatch type -- long, lean, neither attractive nor unattractive, more British than Brit'. And now it turns out he was chosen to get the Alice 65 for a very specific reason. As follows:
Adam is still in LA and has called his boss, Vincent, to tell him he has yet to get the Alice 65.

Sir, I have to ask -- why was I chosen for this job?

Adam, really, I told you -- .

You lied to me, sir. Now I want to know the truth -- why did you send me?

Oh, very well -- because I asked around and you were the only half-attractive man we had on staff.

Excuse me?

We needed someone who...well, was not off-putting. Who a girl wouldn't mind kissing. Hakim and Jeremy were best described as...oh, let's just say...not bloody likely, ever, even if they were drunk and there was no other man around. You’re not all that snoggable, as they sweetly put it, but they would give you a bit at Christmas or New Year’s...though never on St. Valentine’s.


It’s not me saying it!

Why would that make a difference?

You know, for such an excellent research associate, you’re not very up on how usable it can be in life. Casey Blanchard’s known to enjoy the company of attractive young men, and I thought sending you would help keep her focused on the issue at hand.

Wait, wait, wait -- are you saying the sale’s not finalized, yet?

No, Adam, that's not -- .

Oh, my God...I’m a decoy! She doesn’t have it. It’s not in a safety deposit box. I was never even meant to get it. Oh, bloody hell! I've been going through this shite for nothing?!

Quite the contrary...we should have the book safely in hand by tomorrow morning.

I damn near got killed by a bloody black panther!

What're you doing associating with them?

A cat! Bloody Lando's got a bloody panther as a bloody guard cat!

Oh. Well...I did tell you to be careful.

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