A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, August 12, 2013


I have been informed by Jake that I have everything I need to complete OT. Never mind it's still a jumble; it will sort itself out. Wish I was as self-confident as my sub-un-conscious character is. But I guess he's right. It's all in my notes and what I've written, so far. I just need to hunker down and release it from the morass of wordage. Wasn't it Michelangelo who once said something like, "I don't carve the block of granite, I release the figure inside it."

I'm in downtown Baltimore, right now, where pretty much everything closes down by 9pm and they roll up the sidewalks. The only place I could find open to eat was a Burger King...and I felt a little queasy, afterwards.

I've been trying to figure out what I'm doing tomorrow...and I'm afraid I underestimated the materials I need. Fortunately, there's an Office Depot not too far away, just in case, but I've got this nasty feeling tomorrow is not going to be pretty. Guess we'll know once I see the library I'm packing. If they're all big books, I'm screwed...and not in a fun way.

Driving down through Philadelphia was fairly easy; I made it in 6 hours. Chatting with Jake for a bit till he shrugged me off. Then I started thinking about my other scripts and how so many of them have little humor in them. I'm not good with comedy or movie-banter, so I usually avoided it. But it's obvious even the most horror-centric script I have needs something to lighten it up. I got a little of that in Mine To Kill as regards Thomas and his Skittle fixation. But nothing else I can think of. Maybe I need a partner to write some comedy.

As I've said before, I made that mistake with BC; it's a very heavy book. But I'm getting back the feeling that even LD is not all that funny, it's just crazy. Maybe I should take lessons in comedy on top of that comedy-writing class I took. I obviously need a lot more experience in it.

I'm trying to add it to OT, but so far my attempts are mainly quips and funky stuff. Maybe I've led too weird a life to make people laugh.

Wouldn't that be perfect?


MAC said...

The more I read about your process of composing a novel, the more it strikes up my own desire to write. In college, creative writing was one of strongest courses and I enjoyed it immensely. As years have passed, family and work have become the priority. Finding the time would be my challenge.

JamTheCat said...

It can be a challenge to find the time...but you'll be happy you did.