A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Weary but set...

Nothing more done on OT, today; I spent the evening reworking my loglines and synopses based on some interesting feedback. Dunno how successful I was, but they's as good as they's gonna be, right now, 'cause I'm beat. And tomorrow is a 4 hour drive to Hudson, Ohio for the Indie Gathering. I have no idea what to expect, but at least it'll get me somewhat out of my shell.

I'll have my laptop with me, and if things don't go well, I can always whip it out and get back to work on OT. I'm not getting any response from the illustrator for David Martin so I guess that own't happen over the next two week. Meaning buckle down and complete Jake's mystery, Kyle.

I got my set of Battlestar Galactica...and it's big. Lovin' that.

I've got a new ghost story knocking at my brain...one told in three parts. If it does what I think it will, the third part should be as suspenseful as hell, because it will be repeating what happened in parts 1 & 2, neither of which turns out well. Hee-hee...

Still trying to figure out some humor to add to my work. Each story is different, but I need something to lighten the load and add to the entertainment value.

Sounds shallow, doesn't it? So very NOT Woody Allen in his Ingmar Bergman phase.

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