A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, September 5, 2022

Grunt work, today

I set up a new website. Very basic and straightforward. I had to because GoDaddy dumped my old one after they changed everything in their system. It was not easy to do. The names of the actions you need to set things up are completely different, and halfway hidden. GoDaddy is really geared more to you making your site a store for selling instead of just a relay to buy your stuff. If you want to check it out...


This thing is nowhere near what I want, but until I can figure out how to use their system...it'll do. I have all of my books listed and linked to where they can be purchased. Believe me, I'd have dumped them after this crap, but I have hundreds of dollars tied up with them that I cannot get back so I'm using it. Dunno if this will help sales any, but it is a necessity.

I also did more on the French dealers stuff, this morning. The UK leaving the EU has really messed up book and art dealers. They used to be able to transport books, art, photos and manuscripts between England and the Continent with relative ease; now it's a ton of customs work involved. And VAT charged on some item going into the UK, which is damn near impossible to get back once the items have returning to their originating country. 

Got a bit of reading done in Strong About it All, a book of interviews with women of Derry and the western rural areas. Talking about how rough things became in the early 70s, thanks to the Ulster Defence Association harassing Catholics. Their goal was to drive all Catholics off, and they had the backing of the British Army and the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

They used quiet forms of intimidation...like looking in the windows of people's home for spaces of time...and stopping cars to search them, even though they had no authority beyond a gun. Kind of hard to fight back against that sort of bullying when you're a woman surrounded by men, alone on an isolated country road with no one around to back you up.

I thought I'd lost this book, but it turned up mixed in with some of the larger books I had for Dair's Window. Very happy to have found it; it's hard to replace for a decent price.

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