A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Driving and thinking...

The drive to Philadelphia was just over 7 hours and on the tedious side. I'm too late to see the fall colors in the trees. A couple still had their leaves but most were barren or a dull brown. I wonder what that means for winter...

I think I'm leaning towards reworking Dair's Window into a readable form. I've read through most of what I'd already written, and it's like a long-form outline or treatment for a novel. The gimmick of having it told by a dead man is okay to start with, but then it drifts into too much exposition and not enough revealing the story as it happens.

That's what I tried to do with A Place of Safety -- having the story actually happen as it's being told. I don't know how successful I was, but I did get some good feedback on the first two volumes. 

One potential problem with what I've written is when Adam is telling of his life. He was kicked out of his home, at age fifteen, for being gay and made a ward of the state. Then he was housed with a good Christian man who looked after several similar boys...and secretly pimped them out to various older men. To which, the state turned a blind eye.

That was in Quebec. Adam escaped it by going to Vancouver and finding work there. The thing is,  that could be seen as child pornography. I don't detail what happens, but it is an issue I need to think about, these days. Especially as regards teenage boys. The MAGAt crowd loves to scream about that while ignoring how its own members molest little girls.

That said...it's an important part of what makes Adam the feral creature he is, when he connects with Dair, and how he changes. Even as he brings out the best in Dair's art. So I need it for his character.

Hmm...I wonder if I'm aiming to be too genteel...or maybe I'm just cowardly...

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