A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Half done...

Still cleaning up bits of The Alice '65 and moving right along. I got rid of a couple of awkward structurings by just switching around the sentences and they're smoother, now. I'm also finding more typos that weren't notice the dozen previous times I've been through the story. It's embarrassing...and yet, I'm finding them before they get through so...

Truth is, I like the novel a lot more than I did the script. When I wrote this as a screenplay, it was fun but a bit clumsy and felt incomplete. Now? Everything is working, finally. The flow of Adam's character arc from wounded creature to a free soul. Casey's secretiveness revealing a deep hurt and anger at being abandoned, again. Patricia's loneliness. It may still tie up too easily at the end, but considering what all the characters are going through they are worthy of a HEA ending.

I actually thought about ending the story with Adam back in the Dark Chamber, for a while, facing his new uncertain future with ease and grace. Surrounded by silence and shadows, like his beloved books. Part of me still likes it, but Adam's not so sure. "It's too French of an ending," is what he's telling me. He wants a clearer vision of his future...and I agree.

There is darkness in the story, but there's also sunshine and light. And Adam was already hiding in shadows when the story begins. To bring it full circle means he should now be in the light. Meaning end it like like a true romance...and I like the idea.

Of course, this is one of my danger signals -- liking my work. When that happens someone or something usually comes along to kick me in the balls and remind me I'm not that good...that I'm getting too full of myself.

God, I hope that's not true about A65, now...

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