A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Life and times...

I'm not the kind of guy who gets nosebleeds, so when I had 2 of them in the last 3 days, I freaked out. We're not talking about a little bit of the red stuff; we're talking about the Mississippi flowing from my nasal cavity. For no reason. None. Wasn't exercising or sneezing or blowing my nose or anything. Just all of a sudden there's a tidal wave rolling down my chin and ruining my shirt.

I got them to stop by using an ice pack and cold compress, then after the 2nd one called an Ear, Nose Throat specialist. He had me come in today and checked my nostril out -- left; right's above all this attention-seeking nonsense -- and a blood vessel had decided to let go. It started doing it in his office so he shut it down and cauterized it...and gave me a nose-pincher to use if anything like it happens again. The best part? It was NBD to him. "See this all the time in dry noses."

I never thought of my nose as dry. Oh, and apparently I have a deviated septum. I barely held back the comment that my septum's not the only thing about me that's deviated.

Of course, right now the left side of my face aches. I've used a nasal gel-spray to calm it down some, and I've been warned off baby aspirin for the next 10 days. I take one in the mornings to help my heart and it turns out it's hurting my blood's ability to clot. 81 mg baby aspirin is as big on messing with my platelets as regular strength Bayer. Scary thought.

Anyway, I finished a full pass through A65 and will go through it, once more...then it's set into print. I'm getting the book version copyrighted and will resubmit to the Library of Congress for a PCN under a new ISBN. If the old one does eventually get revised, I'll use it for the paperback. I'm still aiming for a mid-March rollout.

Let's see what the fates can do to screw me over, this time...

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