A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, February 8, 2018


I wound up sitting at JFK till 9:30 waiting on a 6:30 flight, so managed to do a bit of editing on A65...and suddenly I'm unsure about my grammar in the book. Mainly commas. I tend to use them more than other writers, I'm sure; it's the Victorian aspect of my learning...that and I want to indicate pauses and make certain some phrases are separated. I thought I'd done a decent job on that, but one dealer raised questions about some "errant commas" and now I'm paranoid...

I started taking a lot of them out...then changed my mind and put most of them back in...then decided I'm going to reread Strunk & White and go with that...tho' I suppose I could do the Chicago Tribune
Manual of Style
. Hell, I don't know. I just felt comfortable with the ones I had in the story and think maybe I'll put them back in and if anyone wants to bitch about them, let them.

I'm still kind of shaken up by that dog trying to take a chunk out of my face. I'm sure part of the reason I can't shake it is because I'm tired. I wound up doing 4 jobs in these 7 days, one very last-minute and a couple under very trying circumstances. Plus I've strained my left arm in some way so it's achy and irritating. There's not enough Icy Hot to handle that...or this kind of weariness I'm experiencing.

And I am weary. Today was a vicious day at work. American Airlines in Miami decided they would not accept a rush shipment for specious reasons and it wasn't resolved until after 7pm, so I ate late. I've got a possible gig in Oxford, England...where I've never been...but I have a feeling I won't get to go, if we do get the job...or if I do it'll be so short I won't have a chance to check out the Bodleian Library and such.

I'm also having an issue with the Library of Congress. I stupidly made a mistake in the title of The Alice '65 and am trying to get it fixed and getting no response from them short of, "It's under review." I don't want to finalize the copyright page till I know it's okay...and I'd really rather not resubmit the book for an LoC number because that means getting a new ISBN, but if I have to, I will. I want A65  to be completely legitimate.

At least, as much as I can do for it.

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