A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Begone bitch...

I have nothing to say or add to that racist, lying, piece of shit whose show got cancelled thanks to her inability to shut her fucking mouth. I feel no loss from it; I didn't watch the first Rosanne show because, to be honest, I disliked her as a person and comedian even back then. I'm kind of sorry her fellow cast-mates and producers lost their jobs, but they're worth millions, each. They'll all be fine.

What's horrendous about this is all the crew members, who aren't rich like them and who probably needed the job. Now they're out of work in a business that's hard to deal with when things are going smoothly, and who also have to handle the stigma of having been employed by a bigoted nut job. I already see comments from people who say, "They worked for her so must have supported her."

Guilt by association is easy. I, myself, do it. I know people who are Republicans and vote the GOP line, and are decent people, but to me...what I see is they support the GOP agenda...which includes hurting gay men and women like myself. Do these people, themselves, support that? No. They "disagree with it." But they still vote for the assholes pushing it...so, I see them as guilty of it.

Same for Christians. When someone tells me they are, I back away from them. I've been at the wrong end of Christianity too damn many times to ever trust one of those people, again, yet I'm sure many of them are fine people who honestly try to uphold the teachings of Christ. BUT...the ones who use it as a cloak for their totalitarian agenda are the ones you hear about and who take all the attention because the rest "take the high road." Which means they're going to let the evil bastards win...which is, in a way, a tacit form of support. And that is glaringly obvious to me.

So I halfway expect a number of people who worked on the show will get hit with a blacklist because they, in effect, helped to support a vile excuse for a human being's ludicrous rantings...and never mind they had mortgages and car payments and kids in school and stuff, things that were more important to them. They helped that show look good and run well...and that's a tacit form of support for Rosanne's hate.

I hope it doesn't go that way, for their sakes...and yet...I do wonder about them...

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