A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Bobby Carapisi redone...partially...

I've been working on reformatting BC, this evening, and Word is not being nice. I'm not sure what the deal is, but it seems if I don't do the changes in a certain way, it wipes them out. For example, I'm breaking each section apart so I can better manipulate the header; I don't want it on the first page of a chapter. So I spent an hour setting up a new header for each page, with the footer for page numbering. To do this, I have to go through a massive process of opening up the header/footer at the beginning of each section and telling each one for 6 pages that they should not link to the previous. If I don't do it that many times, it ignores me. Then I go in, add the text and numbering, make sure they're in the font I want...and after that, all pages in the full section should take them in a uniform fashion until I hit the next break.

Except...when I start doing this on the next section...all my even number page headers and footers vanish. I have to break the sections completely apart...like a section with no header/footer between the sections that have them...before I add text to the headers and footers or it thinks I want to go back to default and I have to start all over, again. Then that time, since I've separated the next section from the next section...it sticks. Drives me nuts.

But...the book is already looking a lot better. If all goes well, I should have BC, HTRASG and PM done by Monday, since it's a 3-day weekend. And I may make some typo corrections to A65, to help it be neater. It's about time to consider working up the paperback, so it'd be a good idea to solidify it as I have a hardcover copy on display at a book convention in NYC, next week. I'd go down for it, but the books from the London Book Fair at Battersea Park's Evolution will be returning to the US and I'll be prepping for my trip to Miami, the following week.

Gotta pay for my writing habit in some way, since the books ain't pullin' their weight.

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