A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Slow motion...

I'm going through RIHC6 to check the quotation marks; seems when you do an em-dash to end dialogue, the quotation mark flips the wrong way. I hadn't noticed that when I first set this book up, so I'm sure it's happened all through HTRASG and PM and BC...but I did figure it out with OT, LD and A65 so corrected them. It's just a painstaking process.

I'm also shifting anything I'd put quotes around, to emphasize names or thoughts, into italics. I like how it looks and it gets the same idea across but in a cleaner, simpler way. There's a lot of them...but this is the last step in the reformatting of the book. Once it's done, I'll upload the PDF and go through the nonsense of Ingram complaining because it's got color embeded even though it doesn't.

I've been able to keep it at the same page count, which means no changes needed for the cover unless I want to...and I'm halfway thinking of removing the log-line at the top of it. I really like the starkness of it. The mystery. The danger. The words at the top distract from that. It also says a lot about the story, really, without the verbiage, and it's only a composite of 3 images I got from Shutterstock. One of my favorite covers.

I like the covers for Porno Manifesto and The Vanishing of Owen Taylor, too. Those came together nicely. The covers for HTRASG and BC are just too busy, to me, now, and while I like LD's cover, it's good, but not perfect. A65, however, is in a category unto itself. I'm glad I took the time to find it because it works great, but my head still hurts from all the pounding against the wall I did over it.

For PS...if I can't license the image I want for it, I don't know what I'll do, instead.

I'll cross that bridge when the book is done.

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