Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Another chapter input...

As a way of keeping from going back over and over and over my rewrite as I go along, I'm working on one chapter at a time then inputting those changes and printing it out. This way, I can use sticky-notes to add details I think of as I go along and worry about incorporating them in the next draft. So far, it seems to be working.

It was a fight to get myself to sit down and input these changes, though...because, as usual, I changed my changes as I went along. And will continue to do so. It's just draining to know I'm still not really close to the end of this book, yet.

This image captures the real feel of how things were in the middle of the Troubles. Kids staring down armed soldiers in the cold, neither one happy the Army is there, as adults stand around, numb. Had the British actually maintained their initial even-handedness instead of taking on the mantle of the Unionists and their hatred of Catholics, there might never have been the massive death and destruction.

But that's 20/20 hindsight. For all we know, the Unionists would have slaughtered more in their effort to maintain their power and force the British to keep them in the Empire. Rather an abusive attitude -- I'm yours, even if you don't want me, and I'll hurt you if you try anything that might hurt me, no matter how small.

I found an interesting article in Al Jazeera dealing with London trying to push through a blanket amnesty for all soldiers accused of murders and deaths in Northern Ireland, which would kill current investigations and disallow any civil actions. There's condemnation from around the world, against that, including from Amnesty International and The World Court, but London apparently doesn't care. They're using the claim that it all happened so long ago and it's been investigated, so let's move along...and never mind those investigations were shams and whitewashes that absolved our side from any wrongdoing.

The British government apparently has yet to learn a single solitary lesson from its past stupidities. Like Brexit messing with not only the British economy but also threatening to destroy the Good Friday Accord that stopped the Troubles. They're going to plunge the region back into chaos just to keep from admitting they made a mistake.

You have to wonder at the obtuseness and venality needed to be a right wing politician, these days, and the lack of balls and blindness to be a left-wing one.

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