Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


 Not only is FRT done and formatted correctly all the way's 115 pages long and I'm happy with it. I now need to figure out what I'm going to do with it. First thought was competitions...but I'm so out of that I'm not sure what's worthwhile, anymore. Research must be done.

I'm also sending my script version of Porno Manifesto out to a couple of gay-oriented production companies to see if they'll go for it. I worked up a synopsis --

Alec Presslea had friends he enjoyed, a career in IT that he loved, and his favorite bar (and bartender) not far from his condo. He had even escaped a toxic relationship in another town. He was perfectly content in his world...until he was gay-bashed by a carload of young men and almost killed. That is when his life took a turn towards chaos.

Once known as Mr. Vanilla, suddenly there were moments where, if he saw an attractive young man, a vicious animalistic urge would take him over and he'd become a creature on the hunt. The lustful intent in these episodes spooked him, but before he could get help to understand what was happening, he learned the police were shielding his attackers. Why? Because one, Freddy, was the son of a prominent, conservative judge. That is when he let the beast inside him take control.

Alec tracked Freddy to a college fraternity and quickly worked out that four other members had been part of the attack, that night. He stalked the guys, giving each of them a nickname -- Mafia, Soccer, Surfer, and Quarterback -- and used his technical abilities to sneak cameras into their fraternity house. He recorded their every move. Plotted and planned. Even prevented them from doing another gay-bashing.

At the same time, Alec began developing a manifesto to respond to the haters in the world. To confront any man who attacked him and his GBLTQ+ community. To answer a punch with a slug. Even force their abusers to become one with them. As part of his plan, he even joined one of the fraternity's parties and viciously raped Mafia, in his own bedroom.

A few days later, Alec convinced Mafia that Soccer was the one who had forced himself on him, and talked him into doing the same thing back to him. Then he manipulated the videos that had been recorded to make it seem as if they were just having sex...and posted them on Porno Manifesto, a website he'd developed that claimed all men were into gay sex.

Everything was going exactly like he wanted. However, even the most carefully laid plans for revenge wind up hurting the innocent as well as the guilty, something a part of Alec understood. Problem is, the rest of him was way beyond caring.

All that mattered was his Porno Manifesto.

 I guess I need to do the same for FRT, too.

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