Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Travel day...

Long drive down to New Jersey for a packing and pickup job, but still managed to get through another chapter of APoS, once I go to the hotel. Only 5 chapters left to do, but one of them needs a lot of work, I already know.'s closing in on completion. I hope.

Tomorrow I'm starting on shifting Cari's Kills into a novel. I began it once, with NaNoWriMo, a few years back and didn't get past 14,000 words before I had to stop. Too much was going on with work and life, at the time...and it wasn't making any sense. I also think I was ignoring what the story was really about and too set on keeping it kind of Hollywoodish.

Now? It's a female-based erotic story about guilt and how it causes people to do stupid things that hurt themselves. I don't know how much I'll be able to get worked into the first draft of it, but at least I can lay the foundation.

Carli's guilt stems from abandoning her daughter because she was way too young to raise a child. Hell, she was still basically a child, herself. She kills some of the people involved in her daughter's rape, but finds it does nothing to minimize her self-loathing. Only when she connects with Zeke does she start to feel human, again...but by that point it may be too late.

Zeke feels guilt over not doing anything to stop the rape or help Carli's child deal with it. He's been in jail; he knows what she's going through. It's not until he and Carli get together that he starts to loosen up and face the fact that he didn't know what was going on and was afraid of being rejected by his friends if he did anything about the rape. He has nowhere else to go.

This is not going to be a pretty story, so I don't know if it will ever become more than an exercise in writing reprehensible characters who have their good reasons for what they do. But we'll see how it turns out. I've gotten positive responses about Curt, from How to Rape a Straight Guy, despite him being a double killer and rapist, at the end. Maybe I'll pull it off.

Never hurts to try.

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