Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Current status...

As of this moment, Carli's Kills is 395 pages long and 83,210 words. There are 18 chapters, and I think I pretty much have it in the formatting I want. Basically. I'm still doing Courier 12 pt. double-spaced. For the paperback, that will change to Palatino or Times New Roman 10 pt. and 1.15 spaced in a 5.5x8.5 size. This will also determine the cost of the book. When it comes to e-books, this don't matter.

I think I'll try and get another pass done on the book before I print it out. Something quick and dirty to see if there are any glaring errors. I already have a couple notes on things I didn't address near the end, so will handle those, as well. Then comes the red pen, probably while I'm in LA since just about everyone I know is unavailable to get together. Then when I get back, I will input/rewrite the story again before seeking comments.

I'm still debating issuing this under a pseudonym. I'm hearing Kindle gets itchy about such things so may not be able to. Which I don't really mind; it's a vague form of cowardice to do so, and I'm at that age where I don't have time for that. BUT...I also don't have time for simple propriety as regards what's best for my books. If putting it out under Michel Grasley will help it, I will.

I'm also thinking of updating the cover of another of my books...Porno Manifesto. Apparently, the cover is too much for some places to allow on their websites. It got blocked by Tumblr, of all things! I find that ridiculous.

I honestly have no idea why they had a problem and wouldn't let me fight it. You don't see his ass, except for a hint below the title. You don't see his dick. Is it the knife...which is more of a ceremonial blade than dangerous? Good luck getting them to explain.

I need to find a way to be more provocative without being more provocative.

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