Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Prep work...

I spent the last couple days working out the logistics of the finale. Who's where, when and how. Who lives. Who dies. And nothing seemed to be working until I was sitting in an auto dealership's waiting room as my car was worked on and had nothing else to do but rewrite what I'd already rewritten a half-dozen times. But now I've got a workable outline and my '98 Civic runs very nicely.

Of course, some of my time, yesterday and today, was taken up with a doctor's appointment (skin) and getting another Covid test (results in; still negative) and ordering prescriptions and spending a solid 2 hours trying to get through to the Social Security office in San Antonio. My youngest brother is applying for disability, and dear God I hope he gets it. That would be such a relief.

FWIW, I've been supporting him for a solid eight years. Which is why I'm still deep in debt. He lives in a small trailer in a park on the east side of San Antonio, and I send him enough to handle rent on his lot and most of his living expenses. My sister in Aransas Pass supplements it as she can.

He's 60 and has serious emotional issues...and some physical ones. Severe gout. Cataracts. Skin problems that are worse than mine. And he is skinny to the point of being unhealthy. He's refused for years to see a doctor and the only reason he went to a dentist was to have his teeth removed. My sister paid for that. Now to get disability he may have to have a physical; he's willing to do that, at least.

Dealing with him takes a lot of time and effort, but I do get to claim head of household when I do my there's that. Still, it took me telling him I'm close to broke so will soon be unable to help him, anymore, to get him to contact the SSA and start the dance with them. I had to speak with them to verify I'm his only source of income. It's just, I can't let him wind up homeless...and no one else in the family will do anything for him.

Maybe I should run a GoFundMe page to get myself solvent, again.

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