A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Rush and run

I now have six possible jobs lined up, of which only one is an absolute, at this time. Today was spent working out the logistics and travel arrangements and expense estimates and materials needed and on and on. Fortunately, we're not talking about my money being used in this, because if they take too much longer to decide, costs are gonna jump by a minimum of 50%.

I'm not crazy about some of these jobs because they won't be easy, but the money will be nice and I'll be able to see some people I know who are still in LA. I also may get to do a bit more research in Houston and complete my Vertigo tour in SFO. But we'll see how it goes.

I'm up to Chapter 17 in APoS - New World For Old. Brendan's en route to New Orleans for Mardi Gras thanks to his new job and his supervisor being a Cajun from there. The man's family is going in this monster Oldsmobile 88 Cruiser and all but drag Brendan along. Included is a young woman he finds attractive -- Evangeline, who's become friends Jeremy, thanks to Brendan, since both are focused in the languages department at UH. She's doing Russian; he's doing Chinese.

Brendan's begun to feel left behind. Cousin Scott's at UT in Austin. His younger brother, Rhuari, is learning Irish Gaelic, while Joanna was learning French. Brendan's only second language is the texts from repair manuals; those are a world unto themselves. Still, when I had an old Volvo the Chilton's repair manual helped me rebuild the fluid clutch, carburetors and brakes. But that car was so easy to work on, it shamed me into learning. It'd still be running if it hadn't been broadsided by a Ford Galaxy.

My Civic is a better car but I can't do any of the work on it. Even though it's from 1998, there are still electronic aspects that need specific adjustments. There was even one occasion where I had it serviced in LA, picked it up, drove it four blocks and it died because the mechanic forgot to reset some gadget or other. Like my taxes, I let those who know do this kind of work because then when something goes wrong I can make them feel bad.

I'm such a bastard, at times...

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