A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Still agent hunting...

I sent this off, today, using a form the agency has on its website. And found my first rejection in the Junk folder. Very nice and polite but no means no. Still, I keep pushing forward and adjusting the letter each time to make it better.


I would like to submit my three volume novel, A Place of Safety, for possible representation by ________. It is the story of Brendan Kinsella, a lad who just wants to live his life. But being born and raised in Derry, Northern Ireland, means history will interfere with his plans.

The first volume begins in 1966, with the brutal murder of Brendan's father when Brendan is but ten years of age. He then navigates a difficult relationship with his now-widowed mother and forges his own path through a society in thrall to history and the Catholic Church. It sweeps through: 
 • the 1968 Civil Rights demonstrations in Derry 
 • the attack on peaceful marchers at Burntollet Bridge in early 1969 
 • the lead-up to The Battle of Bogside in August of that year 
 • the arrival of British troops to separate the two warring sides 
 • the re-introduction of internment in 1971 
 • Bloody Sunday in 1972 
 • and witnessing a horrific bombing in October, that year 

He also forms a relationship with Joanna, a Protestant girl...a relationship that must be kept secret for fear of reprisals. From both sides. This section is currently 132,586 words and 581 pages long (double-spaced, in Courier 12 point font). I also have a chapter by chapter synopsis. 

Volume 2 is set between 1973 and 1981 in Houston, Texas. It starts with Brendan in a catatonic state, situated with his aunt until he regains his senses and follows as he tries to rebuild his life. In volume 3, his mother is dying so he is called home during the hunger strikes of 1981, where he finally accepts his destiny. I am currently working on a third draft of Volume 2 while Volume 3 is in second draft. 

While I have self-published 14 books in both print and ebook, I would like to situate A Place of Safety with a mainstream publisher to avoid the issues that are part of self-publishing. I am hoping _________ can assist me with this. 

Thank you for considering A Place of Safety. I believe it would be a great match with your interests. I look forward to hearing from you.

Oh, FWIW -- KDP backed down on Carli's Kills and it's now available through them in paperback. More on that later.

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