A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Chef Kyle

I made an apple pie. I used premade crust, but the filling I did on my own. Peeled 'em. Cut 'em up. Mixed 'em with a dash of lime juice, melted butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. And it tastes really good. Still kind of juice-heavy, but I liked it.

I did this because as I worked--and watched the pie cook since I didn't want it to burn--I figured out a bit more about APoS-NWFO and wove that in. Added a bit of an explanation as to why Everett is friends with Brendan, Also introduced him to Evangelyne and Jeremy. Brendan's in the process of regaining control of his life, so of course events have to kick the blocks out from under him.

Doing all of this added another 500+ words to the story, but its flow works a lot better for me. I'm down to the last 80 pages, so I should be done this weekend. All set before the eclipse.

Buffalo is going to be in the center of it as it passes over New York. I have an ophthalmologist's appointment that morning, but should be home well before it starts. Everyone's freaking out and thinking the nutcases will be roaming the streets like zombies.

This isn't my first eclipse. I was in San Antonio when one happened in October 1978. It wasn't a total one, as I recall, and was late in the day...but it got everything dark for a while then light again before night fell. I was working at a downtown newsstand waiting to hear if I'd be admitted to NYU's graduate school of film. Didn't see a single zombie.

NYU accepted me, but in one of the dumbest things I ever did in my life, I turned them down when they wanted me to go the full three years and start over in 8mm when I'd been working in 16mm. I was remarkably stupid, somewhat arrogant, and rather an asshole, back then.

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