A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Workus interruptus...

Looks like the beginning of May is going to be busy. Two jobs popped up for overseeing pickups and packing boxes into containers for transport, one on each coast. Took some hours working up estimates for each and melding them into one I already had going. They look pretty solid, so I better get my ass in gear and finish up editing on NWFO.

What's awkward is, working on these caused me some tension. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, with them, but I wound up with a nasty back ache and stiffness in my shoulders and neck. Old age? Not seated right? Fighting to keep the costs down? I dunno. I tried Icy Hot and wrapping myself to keep the warmth in, but nothing worked till I popped a double-dose of Advil.

The good thing is, Curt -- AKA: How to Rape a Straight Guy -- is now available for sale in paperback through Amazon and B&N. I've ordered a copy to see how it prints out when going through the retailers. Hoping it's as pretty as it looked in the proof.

I dealt a bit more with the mess over Hunter, at Amazon, and one of my FB friends sent me Jeff Bezos' email address, so sent him a query. I doubt anything will come from it, and reality is the book is still available through B&N and BAM so I can point people towards them. But Amazon's the biggest in the world and not being one with them is like being a ghost.

That probably added to the tension in my neck. As did checking out air fares from here to Hong Kong for the new Firsts-China book fair, the beginning of December. Last time I went, through Toronto, it was $1700, r/t. Now it's more than $2500. Damn.

And my Texas nephew is getting married in October, so I have to go down for that. Yeah...a bit of tension.

I did get through a couple more chapters of NWFO. I'm now under the gun to get this edited, input and sent off for proofing within the next two weeks...but I'm having questions in my head about things and not sure I've answered them sufficiently, yet.

Oh, perfect. The caps lock key on my Mac just came undone.

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