A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Post eclipse depression?

Yesterday was not good. I went into the office to help with setting up shipments for dealers returning from the NY Book Fair...and I kept making mistake after mistake after mistake. Usually stupid things, like inputting 144kgs instead of 114kgs or not verifying all of the boxes were ticked on a master airway bill. I think I made more work for everyone instead of lightening any burdens.

That started me spiraling down into the blues, and it got so bad that when I tried to do some grocery shopping I couldn't face it so just blew it off. Figured I'd treat myself to a BLT at 5 Guys and come home to mope. That only made things worse.

That BLT was not good. The bacon and cheese were cold, the lettuce messy and the tomato so thick it kept sliding out of the bun. What's more, it cost me nearly $20 for that, a small order of fries and a regular soda. Which got me to thinking about how the last few times I've gone out to eat, where it's cost me about the same amount but only been adequate to actually bad. 

And it's not just fast-food places. The last two times I ate at Chili's I was really underwhelmed. And the lamb curry I got at Taj Grill was okay but the samosas were way overdone. And those fucking meals cost me $30 each. The only thing I've enjoyed, lately, was a make-your-own personal pizza at Pie-o'-Mine, and that's only because I made sure I got extra sauce on it.

So I crashed into one of my woe-is-me phases and did nothing, last night, except watch some Poirot on Britbox. And even bitched about how those programs were done. By the time I was ready for bed, I hated the world.

I was a bit better, today. Only a couple mistakes and the unwillingness of a program we use to set up shipments to work with me, in full. That, I cannot blame on me. But I've done all they wanted, so at least no more fuck-ups there.

I got a burrito at a Mighty Taco, en route home, which was bland and borderline tasteless until I spiced it up with some tabasco. Then I moped a bit, took a nap that made me more tired as well as achy, got angry about it, and made myself my own BLT. I had some bacon, cucumbers (in place of lettuce), cherry tomatoes, cheese, mayo and mustard. Did it on toast...

And it was fantastic! Just what I needed. I have enough left for another, if I want it. Maybe lunch, tomorrow. After I go out to do the grocery shopping I should have done, yesterday. So the hell with eating out.

Oh, the proof just came in for Curt. And it looks good. I'm ordering a copy. If that's good, too, it should soon be available through Amazon...but we shall see.

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