A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Back from the dead...

That break was good. Calmed the waters. Let my thoughts sort themselves out. Got other things done. And spent several periods of time just floating along the web in utter bliss. No constant niggling thought that I ought to be working on APoS-Home Not Home in a way that was getting me nowhere.

I may have been subconsciously waiting to get a hard copy of A Place of Safety-New World For Old...which came yesterday. Looks good. Nice and consistent. Inside type is crisp and readable. And as is required by the law surrounding typos, I opened it to a section, read over a couple pages...and found one.

It was in an awkward place. The end of a bit of dialogue was missing a quotation mark, but it's followed by more dialogue from another person so could be seen as just a paragraph break in what I'd written, and not words being said by two different people. Probably something only I would notice.

What's nice is, I didn't freak out over it. I just shrugged and figured I'd fix it for the paperback edition. So pulled up the file I'd sent into Ingram, saved it as a new file for the paperback copy, and changed it, there.

In fact, once I'm done with this next draft of Home Not Home, I'm going to read the first two volumes of the trilogy in hardback and make notes of any further typos I find, in them. It seems to help when I read through my work in a completely different format. I can't rely completely on editors or proofers, and the one I saw was even missed by Words own grammar editor.

That said, I'm digging back into HNH and am pushing forward. I leave for the UK August 9th and would like to have this draft done by then. But I think I have everything sorted out and all it needs is three or four chapters added to what's already done.

Probably optimistic of me, but better that than beating myself up.

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