A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Typos are evil

Got a proof back of NWFO in hardback and looks great except for two glaring typos -- one on the table of contents and on in the first paragraph of the last chapter. It's too late for me to deal with, right now; I'll handle it in the morning.

Looks like a near 2-week trip to the UK, beginning the second week of September. Liverpool and London. Never been to Liverpool. Maybe there's a Beatles tour I can take during my down time. Some of the day was taken up with working that out, but I'm not making anything absolute before we get the final okay from the client.

FWIW, I took this photo when I was last there in 2016.

The rewrites for HNH are proving to be more demanding than I expected. I find myself double checking and researching deeper into what was going on at the time, in Derry, and the politics. Brendan's been jammed into it and he's finding the news coverage has been less than detailed about the situation with the hunger strikers.

He's also trying to avoid people who really knew him, way back when. Especially Father Jack. But step by step it's coming together.

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