A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Back to world traveler...

Ireland is set. I'll be in Dublin on St. Patrick's day, arriving 8am.  I don't start packing till the next day, so I may take a bus into town and wander about, a bit, to keep myself awake, then get my rental car and head down to County Wicklow, a part of the country I've not been to. I'm there till Monday, then I fly home.

I was hoping to do a swing by London to help with the UK dealers shipping to the US for the New York Book Fair, but that fell through thanks to the long Easter weekend. It's a 4-day one, in Europe. Oh well.

What's great is how I was able to set up the flight via Jet Blue's website. They partner with Aer Lingus so I'll hop down to Terminal 5 in NYC and just change planes. Same coming back. And I'm pre-cleared through US Customs in Dublin, so I don't have to hassle with that at JFK. Tres kewl.

Tomorrow I'm off to Albuquerque, NM for a quick archive pack and ship. I'm flying Southwest but they are getting to be a pain in so many ways. I like the ability to check baggage and change flights with no penalty, but their planes are getting to be so tight, if you don't have a 30 inch waist you don't have room to open your laptop. I'm trying to get a few inches off my middle, but so far haven't done well.

Maybe a girdle...

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