A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Driving back from dropping off my first shipment, yesterday, I took a moment to find a nice spot on Lakeshore Drive to get a photo of downtown Chicago. It wasn't easy. Seems Saturdays in the summer are for all sorts of events where the parking costs $25 and roads are blocked (but no one told Siri, this) and you can only turn left, not right (legally). I think I used a good quarter tank trying to get around that was not going to be got around...until I got around it, but that moment turned into a good 2 hours.

This has been too tightly-scheduled a set of jobs for me to do any real exploring of the town. I flew in on Friday morning, picked up my first job, spent the rest of the day in my room packing it, then dropped it off before noon to make its flight. After that, I built boxes for today's job...and yes, I was working on a Sunday. It's the only way we could schedule it in.

This was a higher-end rush-rush job so I also had to pack more carefully...meaning I also built the boxes to be much sturdier...and did even more on-site, especially since the client suddenly included a flat piece I wasn't expecting. I think I protected it...but you never know till it's at its new home.

So right now I'm beat. I did some reading for PS but that was a mistake, because it led me into thinking I'm out of my mind trying to write a book set in a part of the world I've only barely visited. This guy's referencing all the people he knew who lived on Nailors Row and Friel Terrace andI'm so damned unsure about this, now, I think I better hold off for a few days to get past it.

But talk about biting off more than you can chew...

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