A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

298 pages done on UG

Devlin is fighting back, now, down and dirty. He's blackmailed a Congressman into ending his support of the sanctions against him and investigation into his family's business. He's also investigating the murders on his own, because he thinks the Metropolitan Police are focused on the wrong man. Of course, when he mentions this to Sir Monte, the head of the investigation, he's accused of trying to cover for the killer.

I got a lot more information into the story by having the Met force Devlin to assist, and he's smart enough to give them some of it. But now he suspects Tawfi's brother of having something to do with the killings, not because his gaydar went off (it didn't), but because the man reminds him of someone he almost became involved with. A man who Dev thought about joining for the night but backed away, and later learned the guy beat a man to death for calling him a fag.

I'm also adding in that Tawifi's DNA matches that on the dead men, pushing this into crisis zone for Dev. He can't figure out how that happened...but will.

There's a lot of sex in this book, deliberately so. It's how Dev operates...lets off steam...gets through life since he can't handle the fact that his father killed his mother and he's slowly becoming the man, himself. Dev attacks men who the police think look like his father but, in reality, Devlin brutalizes men who look like himself. Not sure where that came from or why...but it's interesting. I just need to dig into it, more.

And in case anyone thinks this is auto-biographical -- it's not. I've never assaulted anyone, though I've had the chance on a few occasions, with drunk buddies. And my preferred man is the opposite to me -- dark, fit, hair on his chest and solid, hence the picture of Chris Evans grinning like a goof...

But I did know a man who beat a convenience store clerk to death in San Antonio, years ago, and was convicted. He made me uncomfortable every time I was around him, so I stopped being in the same places as him. He may still be in prison, for all I know.

Instinct counts for a lot more than we think...

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