A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Long day...

I drove to Rochester to be part of an anti-Kavanaugh rally in downtown. Not quite a hundred people showed, as did about 20 anti-abortion protesters. Speeches were made, including one from a Rabbi who said, per Jewish law, if a mother's life is endangered by a pregnancy then she has to abort, because her life is more important. I think he referenced Deuteronomy but I'll have to double-check on that.

Anyway, I was driving home when I realized I'd left my phone at the Planned Parenthood table, called about it, the organizer had it so I turned around and went back. It's irritating that I'm at the age where everything has to be attached to you so you don't lose it.

I wound up having dinner at Sticky Lips, in Rochester, which is okay BBQ but not really even as good as Bill Miller's or Rudy's, in Texas. Then en route home had some ideas for UG...including one on how to kick Devlin in the gut over what he's done...maybe make his change of heart about his actions believable.

He's done some digging, found some odd links between Griffin Faure's company and the murders and is called in to explain himself to Sir Monte, the man running the murder investigation. Dev has seen bad broadcast editions of the CCTV images of the killer but still noticed the legs on two of them don't seem to match -- one set is stocky, the other looks thin, though it could be from the angle of the camera.

They show him clean CCTV videos from all four murders, including one where the victim was known to be getting onto the underground but never got off and wasn't seen, again, till his body was found. Devlin notices another man who was only slightly connected to the murders following the victim.

This opens up a new avenue for the police to investigate. They hadn't checked to see if the victim came back out of the underground station instead of taking the train because his Oyster pass card wasn't scanned for exit. So they check CCTV...and find him exiting the station, putting a piece of gum in his mouth and crossing the street...and Devlin goes into shock.

He's remembering all the times he did the exact same thing -- came out of the subway in NYC, popped some gum and headed off to a meeting. Now he's seeing this man who he knows will be brutally killed within the hour doing it...a simple little action and it brings the horror home to him...so hard, he nearly crashes into madness.

Once I arrived I input them...and now have over 93K in wordage...and am on the downhill sloe to the end -- woohoo!

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