A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Interesting new discussion with my characters...

Having Devlin suddenly identify with one of the murder victims in UG has cause a massive shift in the story. I'm not sure what direction it's taking, and I like that. I like how parts of it keep hiding in shadows and won't come out till they're damn good and ready while other parts twist themselves into having new meanings and want to nudge me in wild directions.

Like the chewing gum -- it's going to be found in the car Hanlon was taken in, indicating he knew they were going to murder him and put it there in hopes the cops would at least find his killer. Devlin nearly has a psychotic break when he learns of it, because he knows Reg was putting him in that sort of harm's way to try and catch the monster doing this, and he thought Dev was that monster, for a while.

The tension this brings about is exhausting as I try to keep up with it and use it properly...and fight with myself to keep from shutting it down. I portray Devlin as a beast satisfying both his need for revenge and his carnal needs, at times. As Reg point, he thinks he's King of the jungle, take his pick and choice. And it's added layers to the story that are shaking me up as much as when I wrote HTRASG...11 years ago.

Brendan's watching and smiling, telling me, We're gonna go through this, too, you and me...and it's gonna be way more fun --

Oh, shit...I just had another idea...

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