A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Working on Find Ray T...

I'm submitting my script, Find Ray T, to the Universal Writers Program, so I'm going through it to make it tighter and adjusting bits here and there to align it with what I'm saying it means. Part of the process is working up translations of some dialogue into Russian...using Google Translate. I've learned just telling people this bit will be in Russian while keeping it in English is a no-go. You're supposed to use the actual language and put the translation below it in parentheses.

So...here's what I've got, so far --

Eto nikogda ne mozhet byt' kontsom.
This can never be the end.

Nadeyus', ya sdelal dlya vas spravedlivost'.
I hope I have done you justice.

Eto akter, kotoryy igrayet Reya v etom fil'me?
This is the actor who plays Ray in that movie?

On slishkom khorosh.
He is too pretty.

Yego der'mo ne vonyayet.
No Shit.

V tom, chto weeped?
Is that weeped?

Kak ya dolzhen znat'?
How should I know?

On smeyetsya nad moim angliyskim yazykom?
Is he making fun of my English?

Pochemu oni vybirayut etogo cheloveka kak Reya? U devushki bol'shiye shary.
Why do they choose this man to play Ray? A girl has bigger balls.

Chto, yesli my otbrosim yego litso ot shramov?
What if we give his face some scars?

Da ... s molotkom ...
Yes, with the hammer...

YA zabyl, chto ty mozhesh' govorit' po-russki. Vy eto khorosho znayete, da?
I forgot you can speak Russian. You know it good, yes?

This is just the first act, but there isn't much more till near the end of the third act. I'm hoping it won't add much in the way of page count. I'm at 110.

If the script ever does get made, they'll need to have these translations reworked, I'm sure. I learned a long time ago that Google Translate is a bit...awkward in its translation processes. I know enough French to be able to tell when it's not right, and almost enough Spanish (German I gave up on long ago)...but a language with its own alphabet? I'm trusting the gods on this one. Though if one of the studio's readers does speak Russian, I'm sure they'l get a good laugh.

Albeit unintentional.

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