A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, August 8, 2022

Home, again...

The drive home was much easier, even though it rained all night and constantly, in the morning. Kept up until I was down to the 401 and headed for the border crossing. The guys who came to pick the books up were quick and efficient, and brought a pallet to put the boxes on. We built the pallet in the garage, wrapped them up against the rain and it was off to the warehouse. All nice and smooth.

I would like to have seen some of Ottawa, but the rain was too intense to really do anything, so I came straight back to Buffalo. Turned the car in early, dropped the paperwork off, had some pizza as it poured rain in Buffalo, and crashed at home just in time to witness an amazing sunset. This photo was taken through my window, which is dotted with drops of rain.

I heard from Smashwords and they're whining because I did not specifically say at the beginning of the book that all of the characters who get into sexual situations are over the age of 18. I do specify their ages in the text of the book, but apparently that's not good enough. So I added a note to both the short and the long descriptions on Smashwords about that and hopefully that will settle them. This is, quite simply, a first. No other book I've posted with them has required that. Direct to Digital is turning into a pain in the ass.

As regards the world of bad timing, or perfect...in my mail was a plea from Amnesty International to send them money. They published a report, last week, condemning Ukraine for not being more careful about where they put their defensive positions because civilians were getting hurt and killed. Never mind that it's Russia bombing them. Never mind that Russia has invaded that country and is doing all she can to destroy it. Never mind that Russia has slaughtered civilians and bombed school and hospitals and theaters, just like they did in Grozny and Aleppo. Ukraine gets the slaps, and AI uses the pathetic defense of, In other reports we've documented Russian misconduct. It's like attacking a woman for being raped because she didn't wear the right kinds of clothing then saying, We're not condemning her or think she deserved to be raped because she dressed like a slut; we just felt it needed to be pointed out.

I'm sending the damned request back to them with a note that I will never give them another penny. They did more to extend this war and get people killed by Russia, with that damned report, than Ukraine could even think of doing. And true to form, Moscow is using it in their propaganda to justify their terrorism. Bastards.

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