A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Idaho is really boring...

It's hot. Everywhere you go looks like generic suburbia. The people drive like idiots, and I'm used to idiots driving like idiots but these folks make those idiots look un-idiotic. The only two good things, so far, are the speed limit is 80 outside the city and they have a Panda Express. I had Beijing Beef for lunch and felt human, despite my fortune cookie having no fortune.

I did NOT like getting up at 2:30am to get ready for the trip. I mitigated it by hitting the bed at 8:30 and sort of slept, off and on. But that did help...except on the plane as I was trying to read I kept dozing off. Didn't work so well for my neck. But at least the flights were all on time.

I then had a 150 mile drive to Ketchum. Check my FB page to see how little interest that drive entailed. To my credit, I didn't start zoning until the last 30 miles. Mainly because I got another idea on how to deepen APoS, thanks to Brendan.

I wasn't going to have him visit his brother at The Maze prison, when he returns from Houston, because Brendan might get found out and arrested. But he learns a college student was recording his father telling some of his tales about Irish history and gets copies of them...and one hints at why the man was so disconnected from NI society. And it references his oldest son, Eamonn.

So Brendan arranges to meet with him, as Jeremy Landau, and Eamonn doesn't recognize him...at first. They talk. Eamonn listens to the tape and sort of answers...but then a guard becomes interested in hearing it because the tale being woven is elegant. This makes Brendan nervous and his little cough pops up, verifying to Eamonn who he is. And Eamonn says, "Sometimes it's best not to know too much about a man."

This needs to be set up or foreshadowed in Book One, which is why I'm getting so detailed with it. 

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