A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Unsure what to do...

Okay, Ingram's not even responding to me, now, so I'm firing off a letter to the CEO, Shawn Morin, tomorrow, if I get no love at all. I want this mess explained and I won't stop until it is. My inner hard-head is running things, now, in defense of HTRASG, and it could get messy. They've already hinted if I get too demanding, they'll close my account.

Which leads me to a quandary. If they do, what do I do? Shift to Amazon? HTRASG and RIHC6, they will offer for sale, but not through KDP; already know that. And having been through two occasions where their puritanical nature has taken over and caused me all kinds of shit, I'm very leery of them.

So do I get printed copies and sell them through eBay? They're part of Amazon and just as picky. So do I set up my own shop? I'd rather not, because it could be expensive and I'm fairly certain I'd lose money on it. The vast majority of my sales are through Smashwords. Do I keep them all as available only in ebook? That seems to be the way this is going.

This has messed with me, big-time, focus-wise. And on top of it, a scammer apparently tricked one of the credit reporting agencies into giving them enough info about my credit cards to jolt me with a letter that looks like an official offer to cut the card debt in half. And they knew the exact amount of my cc debt.

Except...their name and address are not on the letter, nor is a signature; just an 800 number. And when I looked that up, it's to a company called Mini-C that has half a dozen offices spread about Chicago's suburbs. Probably people working out of their homes. Give us your cc number and we'll take care of everything.

No. Fucking. Way. I may be dumb but I ain't stupid. I don't think.

So yesterday and today were taken with Experian, Equifax and TransUnion as well as Ingram, and no writing done. I'm getting ticked off.

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