A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, December 22, 2022


My head is a dumpster fire, today, thanks to Book Two of APoS, in Houston. All of a sudden I started wondering, Why would the IRA or anybody involved with it go through the trouble and expense and danger of transporting an injured boy from Derry to Houston? He had messed up an IRA operation, which caused some of their members to be arrested and imprisoned by the British. Not deliberately, but that wouldn't matter. His actions exacerbated a bad situation.

He got carted off by Danny and Colm so he wouldn't be arrested, sure, but then why would they go through a lot of trouble to get him set up in the US under an alias? By rights, he should have wound up in a shallow grave in the middle of a forest. It's not like his mother would make an issue about it. Same for Eamonn, who's been rather weak, so far. They could say he died from his injuries, and that would be the safest, easiest way to handle the situation. So suddenly the whole of the Houston section was shattered. 

Same for Book Three, when he returns. I have things happening because they need to, not because it makes any sense. Everything is fine up to the end of Book One; everything after it...I don't know. What's sickening is how long it took me to wonder this. I've reworked the last two books several times and it seemed okay...until now. Working up the outline jolted me into understanding the setup is fake.

I spent the day trying to figure out how to make it work, again...and may have a possibility, maybe, using Brendan's father's murder or his mysterious past. I don't know if that will make any better sense, and it will require some reworking of Book One, but I can't let this story fall apart. It's become too enmeshed in my DNA. Brendan is also nudging me to keep going with it.

I just need to know it's going to make logical sense...and I don't, right now.

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