A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Social media isn't

Got myself into a couple of fights on Twitter and Instagram with rightwing trolls, something I told myself I'd never do...and I reminded myself why I should have stuck to that attitude. Those fuckers are so full of hate and anger, they are incapable of rational thought. Just rabid dogs, nothing more. It's too bad euthanasia isn't allowed for their type; the only alternative is to isolate them.

So today was spent clearing the fuckers out by blocking them. Did some on Tribel, too. But reality is, it's a lot of effort for very little actual payoff...except in not having to deal with their bullshit.

To clear my brain, I watched a couple of Charlie Chan movies on YouTube -- ...in Monaco and ...at the Opera. Both classics. Warner Oland is always going to be the best Charlie Chan. He has Asian features thanks to his Finnish lineage and had the gentle demeanor down pat. Sydney Toler is okay, but his voice is close to whiney and he acts too superior. Warner Baxter's version is unwatchable.

I also worked out my financial situation and got truly bummed. I'm deeper in debt at the end of this year than at the end of the last, though only by just under a couple thousand dollars. I guess that's okay. But it's another year of no giving to anyone. I've got to reverse this slide into poverty. Good thing is, I'm getting a bump from Social Security that might help a little. It'll mean an increase in my rent; that's a percentage of my SS and will still be less than when I was in a smaller apartment.

Part of the issue is I'm supporting my youngest brother, financially...and will be for another year until he reaches the age where he can get early SS. That'll just about wipe my savings out, but it's that or he's homeless and that's unacceptable. My sister in Texas is helping with him, but my other brother isn't. No further comment on that.

Tomorrow I'm getting back on APoS and doing the outline for Book Two, then comes Book Three.

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