A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, July 28, 2023

BA Second draft done

I finished a solid second draft of BA-The Prussian 001 and will go over it again, tomorrow, then set it u p for publishing on Smashwords in ebook. I think this is something like what the cover will be. I have a job I'm driving to in New Haven on Tuesday and want this out of the way by then. When I come back, I am doing no writing till the end of August.

Well...officially. I got my first set of notes back on APoS and the initial commentary was very good. I'll need to go through it to see what all she came up with, but seems once again I'm getting complaints about my use of ellipses. Or overuse, as they put it. Which I can see. I use the ellipses as a breathing point in the story, and it's really not working as well as I'd like.

I'll remove most of them from BA tomorrow, too. But I'm not doing a major rewrite, as I'm prone to do. I get lost in them and they don't really add anything except time to the project.

Except...(note the ellipses) with APoS I do think the massive number of rewrites helped me hone the story style and information down to a good degree. I was getting too lost in the minutia of the time and place, and letting the people slide, for the first several drafts. Now it's set and ready to be updated and then set aside for a few months while I work on the Houston part.

I'm finally feeling better, thanks to the Cipro. I did develop a nagging tickle in my chest but it's gone. Took a Covid test, just to be safe, and totally untouched, so it might just have been a reaction to the smoke from Canada.

Anyway, tomorrow will be busy so I'm looking forward to it.

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