A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Typical me...

Feeling better, thanks to Cipro. Who knows? Maybe I'll actually seem human by Monday, my birthday. At least I'm not as cranky or achy as I was.

I tried to push prepping BA for immediate publication in ebook but realized I need to go through it carefully for typos. I'm the king of the damn things. And prepping the cover is going to be a bit more complex because I'm adding another face to it and have other ideas...so I'll deal with it when I get back from this latest trip.

I should learn I cannot push too hard on whatever I'm writing. I'm too prone to mistakes. Inconsistencies. Repetitions. Moments that make no sense. Missing words. It's depressing that it happens...but at least I catch them. Most of them.

I'm deliberately waiting to go over the notes for APoS till I get more feedback in. Two other people are reading the book to let me know what they think. It hasn't been easy to wait, but I'm making myself hold off till Labor Day. After that, I want to get immersed into it, again, with all the possible corrections and suggestions, update the story and then let it sit till the end of the year. Get to work on the Houston section.

I've decided to aim for publishing all of it in 2024. Set up part 1 in the first quarter of the year, part 2 in the summer, and part 3 around Christmas. All in hardcover and ebook. I'll think about the paperback editions after it's all done. That's the plan, as of now. It'll probably change forty-seven times before I'm done.

God, I'll be so glad to finish this project. I love Brendan and his journey, but it's become a lot of very demanding work and I just need to finish it for him. And me.

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