A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Are there reasons for things to happen?

I'm caught in a weird place with APoS-NWFO. Brendan doesn't accept that there are reasons for people's actions. Not simple and direct things like, I'm hungry; that's why I'm eating, or, If I want to live I have to have a job, or, I don't like what that politician supports, so I'm voting for their opponent.

He seems to be aiming for the idea that when things happen that careen out of control, it's because there's no specific reason for it. Not until after the fact, when people need an explanation. Demand an explanation. And get upset when none is forthcoming.

Like some mass shootings where the shooter's dead and people are trying to figure out why they did it...but can't. They keep trying for months and come up with all sorts of reasons. None of which may be right.

I don't know if this is really working properly, yet. It's taking a lot of writing and rewriting and thought and snaking down narrow trails in the woods to try and find it, and I'm still looking. Still following. Seeking a clearing or a stream to follow or something, because it's going to inform on the rest of the story.

I just don't want it to be silly.

Made one last trip to the airport seeking my lost keys. No luck. They have to be somewhere in that SUV but the only way I'l be able to make sure is to go to La Guardia, rent that specific vehicle and search it, myself. Not gonna happen.

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