A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, February 5, 2024

Still struggling...

I did a lot of work on Brendan's thoughts about things happening for no rhyme or reason, and I feel like I'm still circling the full meaning. But what am I circling? An existentialistic idea of humanity and civilization? Does that fit? 

I took this definition from Wikipedia's post on Existentialism and I guess it could be right...maybe...

Existentialism is a form of philosophical inquiry that explores the issue of human existence. Existentialist philosophers explore questions related to the meaning, purpose, and value of human existence. Common concepts in existentialist thought include existential crisis, dread, and anxiety in the face of an absurd world and free will, as well as authenticity, courage, and virtue.

Existentialist philosophy encompasses a range of perspectives, but it shares certain underlying concepts. Among these, a central tenet of existentialism is that personal freedom, individual responsibility, and deliberate choice are essential to the pursuit of self-discovery and the determination of life's meaning.

The second paragraph tells me no...but I can't figure out what other form of thought it should be associated with? Absurdism? Hasn't that been dismissed as a philosophical theory? Suggesting the universe is irrational and meaningless...that trying to find meaning leads people into a conflict between rational man and an irrational universe, or between intention and outcome? Absurdism claims that the world as a whole is absurd...but that doesn't really fit, even though it sort of does.

And then there's nihilism: the belief that all values are baseless and nothing can be known or communicated. It 's like an extreme pessimism mixed with radical skepticism while condemning existence. A true nihilist believes in nothing, has loyalty to nothing, and holds no purpose other than a need or impulse to destroy. But that last line is not Brendan.

Problem is, I don't understand any of these philosophies well enough to honestly discuss them or work them into Brendan's life, because none of them are exact while they do fit a part of him.

I dunno. Maybe that's how it needs to stay. Bren's not a deep thinker. He feels. He's instinctive. He likes you or he doesn't. But if he's wounded, he's not above attacking...at least, since nearly being killed by that bomb. So maybe just let him go and let the reader decide what the hell it is he's talking about.

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